A delegation of the WFTU-affiliated organization ZHANARTU from Kazakhstan met today, February 24th with the leadership of the WFTU at its Central Offices and discussed the anti-labour developments in the country and the solidarity campaign of the WFTU with the workers of Kazakhstan.
In their brief report, the ZHANARTU delegation explained the brutal anti-democratic policy of the government aimed to persecute and weaken the labor movement which is going hand in hand with the anti-people’s measures and the policy of privatizations aiming to reduce the price of the labour force.
The delegation appreciated the support received by the WFTU and explained the significant impact of the WFTU positions in solidarity with the workers of Kazakhstan.
From the WFTU leadership present, the WFTU General Secretary George Mavrikos and the Deputy General Secretary Valentin Pacho expressed the solidarity of the WFTU membership to the struggling Kazakhs workers and the struggle of ZHANARTU.
They noted the solidarity expressed by the WFTU up to date with solidarity conferences in the ILO, with protests at the Embassies of Kazakhstan, with solidarity resolutions of the Regional WFTU Meetings and the Presidential Council and others.
The WFTU leadership denounced the government’s efforts to build a stronger legislative framework against trade union action, to persecute trade unionists, to ban trade union activities, demonstrations, strikes and to block the formation of trade unions.
Once more they demanded the granting of legal status to the WFTU-affiliated and internationally recognized trade union Organization ZHANARTU, which the government has rejected without articulation for the previous 10 times.
A further plan of action of the WFTU in solidarity with the struggles of the workers in Kazakhstan was discussed.
Photograph from WFTU Solidarity Event with the workers of Kazakhstan during the ILC in Geneva on June 11th, 2012