“Workers of the world unite you have nothing to lose but your chains”
The Trade Union International Public Service and Allied (TUI–PS&A) joins millions of workers around the world in celebrating the international working women’s day, on this 8th of March 2022 in recognition of women’s immense contributions and significant revolutionary role not only in analysing the world but changing it.
It has always been our correct ideological and political understanding that women are pillars of society that have kept the revolution of the working people and the working class going hence TUI PS &A draws strength in their commitment, fighting spirit and militants in the struggles for the just cause and humanity.
It was in 1945 that the Charter of the United Nations became the first international agreement to affirm the principle of equality between women and men but it was only on March 8 during International Women’s Year in 1975 that the UN celebrated its first official International Women’s Day.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) states that “International Women’s Day is an occasion to celebrate the progress made towards achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment but also to critically reflect on those accomplishments and strive for a greater momentum towards gender equality worldwide. It is a day to recognize the extraordinary acts of women and to stand together, as a united force, to advance gender equality around the world”.
The United Nation’s theme for this year’s observance is “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow” in recognition and celebration of the women and girls who are leading the charge on climate change adaptation and response and to honour their leadership and contribution towards a sustainable future.
The working class and poor must unite to ensure that working class women are not marginalised by elitist conceptions of broader social and committed in the gender struggles.
This is the TUI Public Service’s call on the occasion of 2022 International Working Women’s Day that as a class oriented labour movement, we will intensify our campaigns internationally through its members in all continents but not limited to, on the following:
- Awareness and implementation of fair labour and legal rights for women.
- The importance of girls’ access to education through primary and secondary school up to tertiary level
- For women‘s representation in the public service and other sectors of society including ensuring that the formal economy is more accessible and attractive for women.
- Improved and equal wages and salaries for women in work places.
- Against Gender based violence on women and children.
At this point, we wish all working women around the world good health and confidence as we are celebrating and recognizing their valuable contribution in history of humanity.
Lastly, we wish to pay our solidarity with the working people of Ukraine and Russia who find themselves affected by imperialism war orchestrated by the USA, EU and NATO.
Issued by Zola Saphetha General Secretary TUI-PS&A