The United Nations Security Council on June 21st welcomed the deployment by the so-called Group of Five (G5) – Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger – of a joint force to tackle the threat of terrorism, as well as the serious challenges posed by transnational organized crime in Africa’s restive Sahel region. Also by that text, the Council urged the joint force of up to 5,000 military and police personnel, as well as the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali and French forces in that country to ensure adequate coordination and exchange of information regarding their operations, within their respective mandates.
The text of the Decision was proposed by France and USA, this development comes just 4 days after the G20-Africa Partnership Conference in Berlin where the imperialistic forces decided how to further strengthen their monopolies to steal the African riches. All those prove once more the interest of the imperialists in the region of Africa.
The WFTU strongly believes that only the people and the workers of Africa have the power to change their lives. No charity from the stolen wealth of the African workers can smoothen the barbarity of capitalism. No “Non Governmental Organization” can heal this situation. The natural resources of Africa belong to the peoples and the workers of the region.
The Secretariat