Dear delegates
On the part of the World Federation of Trade Unions which represents 92 million workers in 126 countries of the whole world, we congratulate you for the subject chosen that, to us, is still a necessity.
However, we would like to add some remarks on the previous speeches regarding the very context of the Right to Development.
In any way, the Development is not an abstract and neutral notion; quite the contrary, it has a well-defined context for the world workers: it means dignified work, security and hygiene conditions in the workplaces as well as protection of their labour rights. Furthermore, the workers’ development is synonimous with the free access on the right to strike. For us, the right to strike is an integral part of the right to development, especially during the last period, when many governments, employers and monopoly groups are trying to eliminate this fundamenmtal right of the world working class.
As a consequent, we conclude by saying that the right to development comes through the satisfaction of the contemporary workers’ needs and not only through the monopoly groups profits. Otherwise, garanteeing ensuring the right to development for the masses that suffer from poverty and precariousness in every corner of the world will remain an “evangelical declaration”.
Thank you.