The WFTU-affiliated British Transport Union RMT has been on a historic three-day-a-month national strike of railway, bus and metro drivers since June against plans for austerity and wage increases. This strike (already successful in some bus companies where strikers obtained an 11% pay rise) is beginning to spread to many sectors of the country (post office, education, health, ports and docks). On the tenth day of the strike, the WFTU’s European office in Rome, Italy, sent a delegation to Manchester to support the British strikers. Activists from the transport federation of the USB (Italy) and the CGT railway workers’ unions of Versailles and Trappes (France) came to Manchester on Saturday 20 August 2022 to support the strikers on several picket lines in the city’s stations and to take part in the interprofessional demonstration in the afternoon in central Manchester. Financial support was provided by our comrades for the RMT solidarity fund. This is WFTU international trade union solidarity! Victory for the British strikers: long live the RMT, long live the WFTU!