WFTU addressed the 3rd Political School of the South African Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU) with more than 160.000 members that took place in Johannesburg, as part of the preparation events for the 17th World Trade Union Congress.
WFTU, which was represented by comrade Nikolas Theodorakis, of the organizing committee of the 17th World Trade Union Congress, highlighted the importance and the goals of the 17th World Trade Union Congress which will take place in Durban, SA on October 5-8. WFTU also stated the importance of trade union education and acknowledged the initiatives of POPCRU in the field of raising the political consciousness of its members.
The Political School of POPCRU has become an example of trade union education with the participation of COSATU leadership, political leaders, trade union and academic experts who addressed the school. The school was attended by POPCRU members, a number of COSATU affiliates and international guests.