The World Federation of Trade Unions expresses its solidarity and respect for the militant demonstrations of the farmers in Europe. Hundreds of thousands of farmers across Europe have already mobilised with determination against the policies imposed by the governments of the countries of the European Union, which impoverish the farmers and the peoples.
The blockade of Paris, the protest demonstrations outside the building of the Commission and the European Parliament, the demonstrations in Germany, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus and elsewhere, as well as the solidarity they are receiving from every corner of the world, prove that the struggles of the farmers’ movement can, and must, be victorious.
The international class-oriented trade union movement joins its voice with the farmers of the world, and stands consistently against every policy that impoverishes the people and favours the monopolies and the multinationals! At the same time, we condemn any attempt to repress the mobilisations. The voice of the struggling people cannot be silenced!