An international workshop for labour migrants was organized in Odessa, Ukraine on September 13th, hosted by the Ukrainian Trade Union for Labour Migrants. With the participation of the Russian Trade Union of Labour Migrants and other Ukrainian Trade Unions and Organizations the workshop was conducted under the theme: “Labour Migration in the Modern World. Migrant workers and trade unions. The trade unions of migrant workers: the goals, challenges, opportunities”.
The WFTU was represented by Head of Media and Communications Department, cde Alexandra Liberi.
In her speech she stressed the characteristics of the class-oriented unions that the international working class needs in the contemporary conditions and specifically noted that the class-oriented unions must prioritize the problems of the labour migrants and the need to organize them in the trade unions as they are the most exploited and vulnerable part of the working class in each country.
Comrade Liberi underlined: “We must make our trade unions a home, a school and an organ of struggle for each migrant worker wherever he lands as a consequence of the imperialist aggression and the dramatic impact of capitalism. The global working class must become one entity without discrimination, the struggle must be national, our solidarity must be international. This is the only way we will be effective in our struggle for the defense of the labour rights and the end of exploitation of human-by-human”.
A resolution and program for further action on the issue was concluded.