TUI Transport, Ports, Fishery and Communication, Sectoral Organization of WFTU strongly condemns the prohibition decision related to the strike called by USB Italy. Unione Sindacale Di Base (USB), which is the representative of Class Oriented Union Movement in Italy, had called for a strike on 12th April and the Government of Italy responded this militant call by prohibiting it. This is a clear violation of the right to go on strike, which is one of the most important rights of Working Class gained at the expense of a long-term class struggle.
Today, by means of their reactionary puppet governments, the capitalist classes in every country do their best to take away the gained rights of the workers not only in Italy or Europe but in all parts of the capitalist world. However, these reactionary and oppressive forces should never forget the fact that organized workers cannot be intimidated and defeated!
We totally support the militant struggle of Italian Working Class under the leadership of USB Italy.
Long live the international solidarity of Working Class!
Ali Rıza Küçükosmanoğlu
General Secretary