The TUI HOTOUR’s 2nd Congress assembled in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 15-16 December 2014 and concluded with success.
In its final declaration the Congress appreciated the hospitality of the WFTU Affiliates in Sri Lanka for hosting this international event and expressed the solidarity of the hotel-workes worldwide with the struggle of the hospitality workers in Sri Lanka and the Asia-Pacific region for labour and social rights.
The Congress analyzed the developments in the sector and underlined the objective “To make tourism and vacations a right of the people and not a privilege of the few” and to demand all working and social rights for the workers in the industry for dignified work and life.
Further a concrete action plan was concluded to further strengthen the role and the action of the Organization for the benefit of the workers of the sector.
A new Executive Commitee was elected unanimously headed by the new General Secretary Mamdouh Mohamady Mohamed, General Trade Union for Hotels and Tourism of Egypt and the new President Janaka Adikari, Hotel Workers Center of the Intercompany Employees Union of Sri Lanka.
Download below the complete document of the Final Declaration.
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