Dear colleagues,
The World Federation of Trade Unions, committed to the principles of solidarity and internationalism, stands by the side of the working class and the People of Venezuela, who are targeted by the imperialist attacks of the USA, the European Union and their allies, with the cooperation of the local reactionary forces that until today continue to support their puppet Guaidó.
The aim of the imperialists is to seize the natural wealth of Venezuela in order to serve the interests of their monopolies and to overthrow the legally elected government of Nicolás Maduro.
At the same time, the working class and the people of Venezuela are facing the consequences of the capitalist crisis, exacerbated by the measures of imperialist blockade and the sanctions imposed by the USA, with losses in their income.
In these difficult circumstances, the WFTU has stood in solidarity with Venezuela from the outset, calling upon its workers and people to oppose imperialist aggression, to defend their rights. The WFTU has called on its members and friends around the globe to show their internationalist solidarity with Venezuela, condemning US imperialist aggression and demanding that all measures of imperialist blockade and sanctions against Venezuela be lifted now.
The working class and the People of Venezuela are the only ones who have the right to determine, freely and democratically the present and the future of their country!
In this context, the WFTU organizes a International Symposium in Solidarity with the People of Venezuela on the topic: ” Stop to imperialist interventions against Venezuela” on Monday, March 1, 2021, at 17.00 pm Greek time, through ZOOM, and invites its members from all over the world to participate with militancy.
Please confirm your participation by sending to the email: [email protected]
The ZOOM link for the Symposium will be sent in due time.
Militant greetings,
The Secretariat