The World Federation of Trade Unions, the oldest and more historical international trade union organization, representing 105 million workers in 130 countries of the 5 continents expresses its solidarity with the working people of Zimbabwe in their struggle to gain basic social and economic rights.
The workers have been demanding a decent standard of living, improved wages and the right to health, education and employment from their government.
Workers should not shoulder the blame by governments that gets entangled in the mechanisms of bourgeoisie state management, promoting disastrous neoliberal policies, in order to appease international finance capital.
Workers have the right to protest against the impact of neoliberal policies for the improvement of their living conditions without state violence, beatings and arrests.
We call on the government of Zimbabwe to bring an immediate relief to the plight of the people, to meet workers’ demands and address the deep seated crisis in the economic and political situation in the country.