On the occasion of the junior doctors strike in Britain, the World Federation of Trade Unions and its 92 million members around the world extend our solidarity to their continuous escalating struggle:
“Dear colleagues,
We are following the course of your struggle and express our solidarity to your fair demands.
The WFTU is consistent and steady in its fight for a public free healthcare system that prioritizes preventive medical care and provides full access in all essential facilities to all the population.
Our national public healthcare system in each country needs: fully and properly equipped facilities, adequate, well-educated and well-paid medical workforce working in humane and modern conditions which provide the relevant environment for the best possible medical care for all.
Your struggle concerns and benefits the totality of the society and all working people. Privatization of healthcare, education and public services promoted by the European Union, the Government and employers means drastic abolition of labour rights, unemployment, degradation of services provided and lack of access to essential services for the majority of the poorer sections of the population.
We wish you courage, strength and determination in your struggles and appeal to all people in Britain to treat this struggle as their and call the international trade union movement to express their solidarity to your struggle.