The WFTU General Secretary, Pambis Kyritsis visit Portugal and attended the 15th Congress of the CGTP-IN Portugal which is taking place on 22-24 February 2024.
On February 23th the floor was given to the WFTU General Secretary and he addressed the delegates of the congress analising the positions and priorities of the international class-oriented trade union movement.
Read some parts of the WFTU General Secretary speech:
“This timeless anti-imperialist stance takes on particular significance nowadays, at a time
when in Palestine the nature of imperialism is once again revealed in all its hypocrisy,
cynicism, and inhumanity. The genocide of the Palestinians of Gaza continues unabated
and this heinous crime against humanity is being shamefully attempted to be presented as
Israel’s right of self-defense.”
“The crisis of capitalism deepens. Social inequalities are widening dramatically and democratic and trade union freedoms are under a harsh new attack. The neoliberal attack may vary in intensity and severity from country to country, but it is generally similar and has common features The high cost of living and inflation are brutally undermining workers’ and pensioners living standards. Τhe right to organize and collective bargaining are under attack. Individual contracts, privatizations, outsourcing, teleworking and “service leasing” are just some of the forms taken by this harsh neoliberal attack. Major social achievements such as social security and public health care are being privatized while the authoritarian and arbitrary increase of the retirement age methodically continues.”
”For the WFTU it is clear that only through struggles the workers can build a militant front
cable of defending their rights, principles, and values, and pave the way for another course
that leads to peace, social justice, and the abolition of man-by-man exploitation.”
”The values of solidarity and internationalism are ranked very high in this priorities list as
well as the value of the unity for the workers and their trade unions, based on their very
own class interests.”