The Central-American Trade Union Meeting of the working Youth was successfully ended. The Meeting was held 9 to 11 December 2010, in the City of Panama and was organized by the WFTU, FAT, CNTP and FSTRP on the way to the 16th World Trade Union Congress (to be held 6-10 April 2011, Athens, Greece). The works of the meeting were characterized by the exchange of views and proposals, the analysis of the young people’s problems in the context of the capitalist economic crisis and the contemporary role of the working youth in the working class movement. With enthusiasm and militancy the participants and delegates of trade unions in Central America unanimously approved the Final Declaration of the Meeting.
Among others it has been decided:
– the working class and working youth will not pay the capitalist crisis. The capitalists must pay for the crisis, because they are the responsible
– the return of wealth to the working class
– Full rights of youth at work. Free public education and health. Abolition of work and of all forms of child exploitation
– immediate cessation of persecution, imprisonment and assassination of trade union leaders and respect of trade union freedoms and human rights of indigenous population
– cessation of operations of all transnational corporations that pollute and harm the environment, through privatization and exploitation of the natural resources
– Peace and demilitarization of Central American peoples
– strengthening of the work for the affiliation of the young people and migrants in the trade unions
– Organise political and ideological seminars with class-oriented character and seminars on the history of the class trade union movement of each country and of the WFTU
– through the trade unions, the strengthening of the coordination between Central American working youth and the WFTU International Coordinating Youth Committee. In this framework, in February, will be held a preparatory event to define the second Trade Union Meeting of the Central American working Youth.
The participants expressed their solidarity with the people of Panama that was affected by the recent storms, their solidarity with the peoples and workers who suffer from imperialist and capitalist aggression and greet the young people that participate at the 17th World Festival of Youth and Students held by WFDY in South Africa.
We trust the class oriented trade union movement
We move forward to the 16th WFTU Congress
We advance with optimism!