At the succesful meeting of the Asia-Pasific Regional Office of WFTU that was convened in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 6-7 October 2012, the AICCTU National Secretary comrade Rajiv Divri [...]
In this issues of “Flashes” released by the Asia-Pasific Regional Office of the WFTU read more about the Asia-Pasific Regional Meeting to take place in Colombo, Sri Lan[...]
In this issue read about: – Presidential Council Meeting of WFTU Johannesburg, South Africa on 9-10, February 2012 -The strike of Helleniki Halivourgia, a referential struggl[...]
Comrade Lulamile Sotaka, Head of the WFTU Africa Regional Office, represented WFTU at the founding Congres of TUCOSWA, the Trade Union Confederation of Swaziland that took place on[...]
The Asia-Pasific Regional Office (APRO) releases the February edition of the “Flashes”. In this issue read about the Presidential Council Meeting of the WFTU, the world[...]