Dear comrades, On behalf of the World Federation of Trade Unions representing 80 million workers in 120 countries all over the World we express our internationalist solidarity to P[...]
Yesterday workers, Workers´ Federations, trade unions, women´s associations, self-employed belonging to the forces of PAME and the Students´ Struggle Front held a symbolic event in[...]
Today, trade unions from PAME in Athens, occupied the gate of the Israel Airline EL-AL preventing the aircraft the flight 542 operating the route Athens-Tel Aviv to leave. The main[...]
The successful 48-hour nationwide strike organized by PAME started at midnight. Today, the large demonstration will take place at Pireaus, the port of Athens. Tomorrow, the main la[...]
PAME in Greece continues the struggles against the antilabour policy of the Government. On April 21-22 PAME has called for a 48-hour national strike, against the decission of the G[...]
On March 23-24, 2010 the European Trade Union Meeting on the subject: “Social Security in Europe and the role of the class-oriented trade union movement”, was held in Athens with g[...]
Yesterday morning in Athens, Greece, many members of PAME, occupied the Finance Ministry building in central Athens to protest against the antipopular economic measures adopted by [...]
Ayer por la mañana en Atenas, Grecia, numerosos miembros del PAME, ocuparon el edificio del Ministerio de Economía en el centro de Atenas para protestar contra las medidas económic[...]
With many big rallies in 67 cities of the country the strike of PAME held yesterday was very successful. No planes were landed or took off yesterday at the Athens airport. No ship [...]
A three-member delegation from the National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa (NUMSA) made an official visit to the WFTU headquarters in Athens on January 12-15, 2010. The del[...]