The Workers Union Coalition in Palestine confirmed in its statement today that the announcement of the full normalization of relations between the UAE and the Zionist entity is a n[...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions, which is the militant voice of 105 million members in 132 countries all over the world, strongly condemns the non-existence of the name of Pal[...]
Brother Dr. Bshara Al Asmar Secretary General of CGT Lebanon We witnessed with great sadness and sorrow the shocking explosion that struck Beirut Port on Friday 4/8/2020, wh[...]
PΑΜΕ stands by the Lebanese workers and people in these difficult times following the deadly explosions in Beirut. From the first moment, PAME is in contact with Lebanese trade uni[...]
USB expresses support and solidarity to workers and people of Lebanon. We are with our sisters and brothers of World Federation of Trade Unions. Dear brothers and sisters of trade [...]
The WFTU General Secretary, comrade George Mavrikos, held a Teleconference with brothers Ghassan Ghosn, General Secretary of ICATU, Ali Taher Yassine, President of Al-Wafaa Federat[...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions, on behalf of its 105 million members throughout the world, expresses its internationalist support solidarity with the working class and the Pe[...]