Dear workers, brothers and sisters, Dear workers who met with the WFTU and raised our workers flags in the recent May Day mobilizations, Dear workers who count your victims every d[...]
On April 15, the seminar jointly organized by CAT Chile and the World Federation of Trade Unions was held with great success and high participation. The seminar featured a presenta[...]
Doctors in Chile’s public health system have been on a long-term strike since Monday, denouncing the reactionary government of Sebastian Pinera about the job insecurity, thei[...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), representing 105 million workers who live and work in 130 countries around the world, denounces to the international community the new [...]
The WFTU Pan-American meeting started its works of the first day today, October 2nd, in Buenos Aires wth great participation and militant spirit. Many cadres of the International C[...]
The WFTU General Secretary, cde George Mavrikos met with international delegates who will participate in the WFTU Pan-American Meeting, to be held in Argentina, on October 2 and 3,[...]
Several meetings were held today, September 30, 2019, between the Secretary General of the World Federation of Trade Unions, George Mavrikos, and affiliated unions and friends of A[...]
On September 27th, during his official visit in Colombia, c. General Secretary of the WFTU, George Mavrikos, continues in the Colombian capital the exchanges with more affiliated [...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), on behalf of its 97 million affiliated workers in 130 countries from all corners of the world, declares its total rejection against the[...]