The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) denounces the illegal and undemocratic act of the Airport Police in Tel Aviv against comrade Alexandra Liberi who was legally travelling[...]
The WFTU honors today the Anniversary of the 40 years since the victory of the Vietnamese communists and the people of Vietnam over the US imperialism and the fall of the “Southern[...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions representing 90 million workers in 126 countries around the world condemns the recent acts of violence against foreign nationals in South Afric[...]
Exposing the “murderers-Looters-Hypocrites” that are the European Imperialists, USB Italy, PAME Greece and PEO Cyprus are calling for mass protests on Thursday the 23rd[...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions representing 90 million workers in 126 countries denounces the situation which is taking place in Donetsk with dramatic impact in the lives of [...]
Yesterdays’s summit of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of countries-members of NATO in Brussels reaffirmed that NATO is a great threat for the peace worldwide but also a dir[...]
“The NATO Summit which took place in Wales, 4-5 September, marks the intensification of the aggressiveness of this imperialist political and military coalition. Its capacity [...]
A Day of Action for World Peace was celebrated on September 1st in Cyprus by PEO, DEV-IS, BES, KTOS, KTOEOS and KTAMS. Affiliates and friends of the WFTU demanded the reunification[...]
A Day of Action for World Peace will be celebrated today in Cyprus by PEO, DEV-IS, BES, KTOS, KTOEOS and KTAMS. During the action day, a human chain from Lydra street to Nicosia wi[...]
The WFTU, in coordination with the General Union of Palestinian Workers (GUPW) is initiating a Campaign of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, aiming to strengthen internationa[...]