Under the coordination of the Deputy General Secretary, Valentin Pacho and with the participation of WFTU affiliates and friends present at the 104th International Labour Conferenc[...]
Completing its activities during the 103rd ILC, the WFTU held a meeting which discussed and declared that the right to strike will be defended with all means by all class-oriented [...]
“On behalf of the World Federation of Trade Unions that today represents more than 90 million workers in 120 countries we consider that on a global level the situation of the[...]
The ILO Room proved to be too small to host the massive Meeting organized by the WFTU in the 103rd ILC on Monday, 9th June 2014. With enthusiasm and collective spirit, dozens of me[...]
Ladies and gentlemen, The living and working conditions of the working people today are more difficult since the last ILO Conference. Extremely high unemployment, reduction in sala[...]
Ladies and gentleman, I would like to start my intervention at the Plenary session of the 99 ILC with a criticism to all those who released the government of Colombia and who conde[...]
Initial Meeting of WFTU affiliates and friends to prepare our participation in the ILC (Tuesday 1 June, 9.30 am, Room IV, ILO) Meeting of the WFTU Informal Presidential Council and[...]