The european affiliates of WFTU TUI PS&A held a virtual meeting on February 19th to plan the future sectoral activities in Europe. During the meeting, the TUI PS&A General [...]
The national coordinations of the categories of the Unione Sindacale di Base met on Saturday 13 February 2021. This is the note unanimously approved. The Draghi new government is i[...]
They also addressed a statement to the Media and the following Statement to the Embassy of Israel in Stockholm: Seko Tunnelbanan, klubb 111 uppmärksammar kampanjen som initierades [...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions, on behalf of its 105 million members in 132 countries all over the world, conveys sincere condolences to the families of the victims of the st[...]
An enlarged virtual session of the Secretariat of the European Regional Office of WFTU (EUROF) with the participation of European members of the Working Youth Committee took place [...]
The Peoples’ Coordinating Committee of the World Federation of Trade Unions, which organize together national and class-oriented trade unions from the Basque Country, Galicia[...]
A manifestation of USB took place in Rome, demanding the reopening of all hospitals that have closed all these years due to the cuts in public health in Italy. They have symbolical[...]