The Peoples’ Coordinating Committee of the World Federation of Trade Unions, which organize together national and class-oriented trade unions from the Basque Country, Galicia[...]
Workers council statementA few weeks ago, when we, the dockworkers, had not yet exercised our right to strike, the dock companies put on sheep’s clothing and launched an exce[...]
The first inter-congress meeting of the LAB union is completed with the participation of more than 400 delegates from all over the country, complying with strict security measures.[...]
Stateless nations’ trade union LAB Basque Country, CUT, Galiza, Intersindical Canaria, Intersindical CSC and COS from Països Catalans, affiliated to the World Federation of Trade U[...]
A delegation of LAB from Basque Country composed by Garbiñe Aranburu LAB Secretary General and Koldo Saenz from the LAB International Department met with a high level WFTU delegati[...]
LAB Basque Trade Union, with wide representativeness in Car Industry in the Basque Country wants to show solidarity and support to the workers and trade Union of TPCA. TPCA is a fa[...]
WFTU strongly condemns the assault of LAB´s trade union offices perpetrated by the Spanish Civil Guard as well as the consequent arrest of several union leaders. WFTU, World Federa[...]
LAB demands that the Greek government and authorities immediately release without charges the 36 members of PAME arrested yesterday, January 30th. Also, from LAB we denounce the br[...]
LAB, a trade union of the Basque Country, expresses their total support and class solidarity with the public transport workers, who are struggling for their labour, trade union and[...]