The international class-oriented trade union movement reaffirms its constant demand for collective agreements, in all sectors and countries, that provide dignified wages that satis[...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions, on behalf of its more than 97 million workers in 130 countries in the 5 continents, expresses its internationalist solidarity with the nationa[...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing more than 92 million workers in 126 countries in the 5 continents, condemns the pursuit of Australian government to ban flags and[...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing 92 million workers in the 5 continents, expresses its solidarity with Sydney bus drivers who are on strike as a response to the g[...]
The Fair Work Commission of Australia has ruled that the Sunday and public holiday penalty rates will be reduced for full-time and part-time workers in the hospitality, retail and [...]
The WFTU expresses its sincere condolences for the families and friends of the people who lost their lives by the earthquake in New Zealand. Our thoughts are with the people who ar[...]
Hundreds of workers will lose their jobs after the announcement that Hazelwood power station, Australia’s dirtiest coal-fired power plant, will officially close by the end of[...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions expresses its class solidarity with the journalists of Fairfax Media who are striking against the 120 dismissals due to “redundancies and[...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions representing 92 million workers in 126 countries extends its solidarity to the employees in Dick Smith, Company of Electronics Stores in Austra[...]
Port workers in Sydney and Brisbane have started a picket on August 8th after nearly 100 workers were sacked via email and text message last Thursday night in what the company has [...]