Focusing on the double exploitation of working women and the struggle of the workers movement for their rights, the Trade Union Seminar held on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary[...]
An official meeting was held this morning at the WFTU Headquarters in Athens between the WFTU and ICATU. The meeting was held in a climate of honesty, brotherhood and international[...]
The WFTU Secretariat welcomed last week two more delegations from the Egyptian trade union movement and discussed with them the regional and sectoral framework of cooperation and a[...]
Read in the new bulletin of the WFTU Press Room: – Succesful Arab Trade Union Meeting held in Athens – Unanimously voted resolution gives WFTU new impetus in the arab w[...]
An Arab Working Women’s Conference started in Tunisia on May 14th organized by ICATU and hosted by UTT Tunisia under the theme: “Towards strengthening the rights of Ara[...]
The WFTU Arab Trade Unions meeting was conducted with great success on May 11th – 12th 2014, in Athens – Greece. The 2 – day meeting was attended by 39 trade unionists from 13 coun[...]
Arab trade unions have gathered in Athens, Greece in a two-days conference starting on May 11th, 2014 to discuss: “The developments in the Arab World and their consequences o[...]
On 5-7 may 2014, WFTU leaders met with Egypt General T.U of Railway Workers. In the course of new relations and the process of affiliation to WFTU lines. The Egyptian delegation co[...]
On 5-7 may 2014. WFTU leaders met with Egypt General T.U of Administrative and social services workers union affiliated to WFTU. In the course of mutual relations. The Egyptian del[...]
Gamal Hashem, Vice president Trade Union of Finance, Taxation and Customs of Egypt accompanied by Mrs. Carolin Samir from the International Office of ETUF visited today, 28th of Ap[...]