FLIGHTS Dear colleagues, Please send us immediately your flights for Durban (arrival-departure). In case we don’t have the exact flight numbers we won’t be able to pick you up from[...]
Today we are sending you the REPORT in English with the whole rich WFTU activity from 2011 to 2016. Spread this REPORT to everyone. Establish the WFTU everywhere. Over the next few[...]
The World Federetion of Trade Unions published the new poster for the 17th World Trade Union Congress in Durban, South Africa. The poster underlines the necessity for empowering th[...]
The event organised by PEO-Cyprus and the Turkish-Cypriot trade unions DEV-IS, KTAMS, KTOS, KTOEOS, BES, KOOP-SEN, affiliated to WFTU concluded in great success. In this event the [...]
Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot trade unions PEO, DEV-IS, KTAMS, KTOS, KTOEOS, BES, KOOP-SEN affiliates of World Federation of Trade Unions organize an event to honor the 17th Wo[...]
The WFTU Meetings and Activities in the framework of the 105th International Labour Congress concluded today, June 7th, with great success. The event for the 17th World Trade Union[...]
The WFTU affiliates and friends in Sweden organised a preparatory meeting for the 17th World Trade Union Congress, during the meeting the International Poster exhibition of WFTU wa[...]
The European Regional Office of WFTU is meeting today, on June 2nd, in Vienna, Austria. The meeting is hosted by the Left Bloc in the Austrian Trade Union Federation. The EUROF dis[...]