Speech of Chrysi Lampoudi, Vice President of the FISE Dear Collegues, We represent here today the FISE which was founded in 1946 and which from then until now is a member of the WF[...]
The WFTU Meetings and activities In the framework of 106th International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland concluded today, June 13th with high participation of the WFTU aff[...]
The WFTU affiliates from Cameroon, Niger and Senegal that are participating in the 106th ILC met with the WFTU General Secretary George Mavrikos and discussed about the WFTU Action[...]
The WFTU Presidential Council meeting took place in Geneva, Switzerland in the framework of 106th International Labour Conference. The affiliated organisations of WFTU and its frie[...]
106ILC – Plenary – June 12,2017 Speech of the World Federation of Trade Unions General Secretary Mr. George Mavrikos Dear Colleagues, On the behalf of the World Federation of Trade[...]
WFTU General Secretary will address the Plenary Session (Monday 12 June 2017, morning session) Meeting of WFTU members and friends (Informal Presidential Council) (Monday 12 June 2[...]
The WFTU Preparatory Meeting for the 106th ILC took place in Geneva, on June 4th 2017, with great success. All the WFTU affiliated organisations that are taking part in the 106th S[...]