The NEHAWU National Policy Conference is being held from June 26th to June 29th 2019.
The WFTU is represented by C.H. Venkatachalam Coordinator of the WFTU Finance Control Committee and Vincent Kapenga Kandolo, member of the WFTU Presidential Council.
This conference is attended by more than 380 delegates drawn from all levels of the union including all 43 regions, 9 provinces, current and former National Office Bearers [NOB’s] from founding up to the current, alliance partners African National Congress [ANC], Congress of South African Trade Unions [COSATU], and the South African Communist Party [SACP], World Federation of Trade Union [WFTU], international guests, Progressive Youth Alliance in particular South African Students Congress [SASCO] and Young Communist League of South Africa [YCLSA], partners and friends.
The National Policy Conference is convened to review the Strategic Policy Framework [SPF] of the union adopted in June 1997, three years after the 1994 democratic breakthrough. The SPF is our main strategic perspective that explains our medium term strategy and goals as they relate to our broad transformative objectives. At the same time it serves as our principal guideline for our strategies to resolve the immediate workplace challenges that face our members and also the broader working class.
Delegates at this conference will be tasked with developing a plan for the next decade in relation to working class internationalism, the national political situation, socio economic priorities such as health, education, political economy and the creation of a single public service including organisational imperatives such as quality service to members, growth and improvement of our basic unit as instrument to represent members at the workplace including improving capacity of our shop stewards.