A WFTU Mission headed by Paola Palmieri, leader of USB Italy will visit Lugansk, Ukraine on 22-25 September to express the solidarity of the 92 million workers represented by the WFTU in 126 countries to the people and the working class in Ukraine against the imperialist aggressiveness.
The WFTU Mission will meet with the Trade Union Federation of Lugansk People’s Republic, express the internationalist solidarity and support of the international class-oriented trade unions in their struggle and welcome them officially in the WFTU family as a newly affiliated Organization according to the resolution of the WFTU Presidential Council held in Geneva, Switzerland on June 2015.
With public statements, appeals, protest letters and international activities, the WFTU has expressed “its indignation on the crimes and barbarities of neo-fascists in Ukraine” and has clearly stated that: “a big part of responsibility of the crimes in Ukraine is bear by USA, NATO and the European Union who support and assist the Government of Neo-fascist forces in Ukraine.”
The WFTU denounces the reactionary Government of Ukraine which with the support of powerful business interests has brought great suffering to the Ukrainian people. The WFTU denounces the violation of democratic and political freedoms such as the persecution of the Communist Party and its activity. The WFTU demands now the peaceful solution of the military conflict.