Completing its activities during the 103rd ILC, the WFTU held a meeting which discussed and declared that the right to strike will be defended with all means by all class-oriented trade union Organizations.
“The right to strike is the mother of rights, is the right to fight for our interests” said the participants having heard too key inputs by George Mavrikos, General Secretary of the WFTU and Maximos Aligisakis, Professor of the University of Geneva.
“The WFTU holding this Conference inside the ILO headquarters declares to the employers and the Governments that support them, that it defends the right to strike and all forms of struggle.
The WFTU calls the employers to stop the gambling and the speculations with the Convention 87 as they know that the right to strike was not handed over as a benefit to no country’s working class but it was “de facto” claimed by the bloody and heroic struggles of the working people.
The WFTU calls the trade union organizations and the working people to protect the right to strike with all necessary action in the factories, in the streets, in the society, in the parliaments” was the calling of the Secretariat as presented by its General Secretary.