The 1st.Asia Pacific Regional Conference of TUI,Pensioner & Retired( P& R) is going to held in Kathmandu Nepal on 3 rd December,2016.
This conference is being hosted by Retired Employees Association Nepal( Rean) and coordinated by Confederation of Nepalese Professional -CONEP,Nepal.
The conference will be inagurated by Former Deputy Priminister and Vice President of Nepal communist Party ( Marxist and Leninist) Cde.Bam Dev Gautam 3rd December at morning 9 PM.In the inaugural session Host.organization Rean planing to release a souvenir.
The one day Conference is going to discuss about problems of Retired and Pensioner in Asia Pacific Regional level and at the end of the conference will forned Asia Pacific secretariat committee for the Next 5 years and released Kathmandu Declearation.
The Trade Union International, Pensioner & Retired( P& R) was formed 2013 in Spain,Barcelona.TUI Pensioner & Retired is one of the sectoral International Trade Union ( TUIs) of World Federeation of Trade Union( WFTU).