TUC-Nigeria announced the passing away of comrade Biodun Ogunade, : “Comrade Biodun walked out of his job at the VON to join the Congress in 2002 as Head of Research and Industrial Relations. He understood and did his job so well that he brought many affiliate to the Congress. His love for research made him a facilitator at different workshops within and outside the country. Comrade Biodun was our own and we are proud of his exploits. He will be greatly missed by the labour movement and its civil society allies. Adieu Comrade Biodun Ogunade.”
At his funeral the WFTU was represented by Success Eniojukan Leke, member of the WFTU Presidential council. The WFTU secretariat issued the following statement on the passing away of our comrade, who helped in the realisation of the 3rd WFTU Pan African Conference and was collaborating closely with the WFTU regional office for English Speaking Africa.
“The World Federation of Trade Unions, uniting the voices of more than 92 million workers in the world conveys its condolences to Trade Union Congress (TUC) of Nigeria for the sudden death of comrade Biodun Ogunade-Revo.
We met comrade Ogunande in our 3rd Pan African Conference in Nigeria where TUC and comrade Ogunande took part actively in the preparations and the Conference its self. The secretariat of WFTU expresses once more its deep sorrow and condolences to his family, TUC and the Nigerian Trade Union Movement for his loss.”