Today, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) observes the solidarity with the Palestinian People throughout the world. Supporting this, we representing eight different Trade Union organizations of Nepal affiliated with WFTU are writing to call your attention to our concerns regarding the aggressiveness of Israel Government against the people of Palestine. This is a serious situation as the Palestinian people have been suffering for many years from Israeli aggressiveness through inhumane blockade, settlement and even looting the natural resources. As a consequence, many Palestinian children have been murdered in the street and the workers have been imprisoned. This has resulted high number of detention of Palestinian workers in Israeli prisons.
In this background, we express our solidarity with organized class-oriented working class movement of Palestinian who have been struggling yearlong to end Israeli aggressiveness and settlement for establishment and recognition of free and independent Palestinian state.
Therefore we demand for ‘Stop to the settlement-Recognition of an independent Palestinian State’ and express our solidarity with working class of Palestinian for their yearlong struggle against Israeli aggressiveness and occupation.
We support that the Palestinian people also have the rights to live in their own motherland without any external interventions. Thus, we want to draw your attention to protect the basic human rights of Palestinian people and stop further intervention.
1. President ,CONEP -Biswanath Pyakurel
2. Member, WFTU Presidential Council-Premal Khanal
3. President , NEFON– Dayaram Basyal
4. Member, WFTU Finance Control- Mohan Man Swanr
5. Presdent, NTUF – Ganga Ram Khadgi
6. Presdent, FENEPT- Tilak Thapa Magar
7. Presdent, NITUF- Indra Dev Mishra
8. Presdent, ANTUC- Narayan Sapkota
9. Presdent, NDFONT- Chirag Man Kunwar
10 General Secretary, NDCONT- Rameshwor Shrestha