Yesterdays’s summit of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of countries-members of NATO in Brussels reaffirmed that NATO is a great threat for the peace worldwide but also a direct threat for the people of Europe and particularly for the people of Eastern Europe.
In his statement Jean Stoltenberg, as General Secretary of NATO, attacked Russia on the occasion of the developments in Ukraine and at the same time confirmed the agreement in the NATO summit which took place in Wales on September for the implementation of the “Readiness Action Plan” increasing the air-force and the fleet of the NATO in the Baltic and the Black Sea.
The imperialists’ objective is to concentrate their military power around Russia to achieve an intrusion in the former Soviet Countries to foment division and disintegration, to plunder the wealth-producing resources of the countries and the people and to increase the profits of the monopolies.
The World Federation of Trade Unions denounces these dangerous strategy of NATO, the USA, the European Union and their allies and calls the working people around the world to resist these plans. The people and the working class are paying for the military expenditure through heavy taxation and with salary and pension cuts.
Thus, the consistent and stable position of the WFTU is the immediate dissolution of NATO.
THE SECRETARIAT, 4 December 2014