Peruvian Construction workers reject government attacks
We, workers of the construction and wood unions of Latin America express our militant solidarity with the construction workers in Peru who have been resisting attacks of the APRA government, which tries to abolish collective bargaining in the industry, and break the union unity through criminal violence. The FTCCP been developing constant actions to fight in defense of collective bargaining and to reject the criminal violence promoted by the government.
Defense of collective bargaining
We, workers of the construction and wood sectors in Latin America denounce the APRA government that continues in its desire to override collective bargaining in the industry, which resorts to the judiciary and to the Constitutional Court, that did not hesitate to serve the regime and ignores previous final decisions by judges of the Supreme Court of the Republic and of the Constitutional Court recognizing the right to collective bargaining by branch for civil construction workers.
The CC has just issued another resolution in which it confirms its resolution and its intention to void collective bargaining. The Federation of Construction Workers of Peru (FTCCP) is developing a plan to fight for the defense of this fundamental right, and decided to organize an April 6 a national protest.
Campaign against violence on the building sites
We, workers of the construction and wood sectors in Latin America express our support for FTCCP and its campaign against the wave of violence that is occurring in civil construction works, promoted by the regime in its effort to weaken and break the unity of the trade union and of workers. The regime spares no efforts in allying with criminal gangs recognizing them as “unions” while they create chaos and violence on the building sites.
On April 6, 2011, we workers in the construction and wood sectors from Latin America express our rejection of this anti-worker and anti-union policy of the Peruvian government and demand on behalf of millions of construction and wood workers, members of our organizations UITBB / WFTU and FLEMACON full respect for international labor standards, in particular the right to collective bargaining, and the punishment of the perpetrators of the crimes committed against trade unionists.