Exposing the “murderers-Looters-Hypocrites” that are the European Imperialists, USB Italy, PAME Greece and PEO Cyprus are calling for mass protests on Thursday the 23rd of April 2015 outside of the offices of the European Union in their respective countries.
The joint statement of USB and PAME notes:
“Hundreds of dead in the last days, in addition to the thousands of immigrants who died tragic deaths in search of a better life, among them many children. Imperialism has turned the Mediterranean into a vast graveyard of souls. No one should remain indifferent towards the ongoing crime, the mass drowning of migrants and refugees in the Mediterranean.
The Governments of Greece and Italy have great responsibilities, because they support the interventions of the imperialists, the EU and NATO, who bloodshed the region from Libya to Iraq and Syria as Ukraine.
Hundreds of thousands of refugees are victims of the imperialists, hostages in their claws, who use human souls as a bargaining chip to their fighting for oil, for the control of the pipelines and the markets, for the control of the region. The Mediterranean is filled with corpses, and those who do escape, are living chased by repression, the savage exploitation of the bosses, the knives of the fascists. Hypocritically they organise a Summit on Immigration, their tears are fake.
We call on trade unions, the mass organizations to demand:
No participation, no involvement in the imperialist interventions that take place and to those that are being prepared
No worker should be blinded by the pretenses of the imperialists.
Insubordination in Dublin and Schengen Treaties that have transformed our country into a “warehouse of souls”, trapping people.
Asylum for the refugees and travel documents for them to travel wherever they want
Legalization of immigrants living and working in our country and have acquired biotic links”.