1000 LABA Union members held ecological rally in Riga, Latvia.
“We are combatant union against the government and capitalists, but we are friendly to our nature”, – said Comrade Raimonds Gailis, Chairman of LABA Trade Union of Latvia. More than 1000 members took part in annual ecological rally in Mezhaparks area near lake Kishezers in Riga.
This is very popular place for rest of working people with low incomes, and LABA continues its tradition of volonteur work for cleaning and building-up the remote areas of forests and lake beaches. Rally has both political, ecological and recreatioanal purposes: first LABA union held meeting with demands for government to increase ecological budget; then Comrades worked for free in behalf of Latvian nature; at the end we all have hudge picnic with most popular Latvian rock band Dzelzs Vilks.