Stateless nations’ trade union LAB Basque Country, CUT, Galiza, Intersindical Canaria, Intersindical CSC and COS from Països Catalans, affiliated to the World Federation of Trade Unions, show its solidarity with the trade union Unione Sindacale di Base from Italy and in general with all the Italian working class facing the general strike called for tomorrow March 25th.
All of us know the current dramatic situation that Italy suffers in this moment, and the terrible consequences of Coronavirus for all the Italian people and especially to the working class in this country.
The Unione Sindacale di Base (USB) has called a general strike because it is urgency stop all activities, that are not really essential. Is necessary, defend all workers rights and especially the rights of all workers who still have to continue working. The struggle is necessary to adopt measures to defend workers. The situation is dramatic for many workers, many times forced to work in unbearable conditions with fear to employer sanctions.
This statement signatories trade unions also are demanding in our respective nations the stoppage of all no essential economic activity, because has no sense that workers can’t leave our homes to avoid the risk of infection, but at the same time should go every day to work. But facing the class oriented demands to protect the right to life facing the interests of capital, we have seen how the PSOE and Podemos Spanish government after getting direct control of a nation’s government killing our self-government, rejects to stop the economic activity submitted one more time to management interest.
The signatory trade unions with class oriented trade unions like the Italian Unione Sindacale di Base, will continue demanding and fighting so that workers will not pay the crisis consequences, and to build all together one new model that will put the right to life in the middle of its action, facing this capitalist and neo-liberal that bring us to the self-destruction.
For all of that, we hope that the general strike called for tomorrow will be a massive working class demonstration and that with working class’ strength will be possible lead the difficult situation that Italy lives actually. We are with us.