The 3rd WWYC of WFTU concluded its works this afternoon after a rich discussion and interventions from the young delegates from all over the world. During the WWYC the delegates had the opportunity to share opinions and experiences about the organization of activities of young workers for the promotion of their rights through their participation in the class oriented trade union movement.
The WFTU G.S. G. Mavrikos also addressed the Congress, underlining the importance of action and participation of youngsters in the ranks of the WFTU. He also explained the principle of internationalist solidarity and how it was expressed in practice during the course of the WFTU, pointing out that the history of class struggles is an instrument for the future of the young generation.
The WWYC also elected the new WFTU Youth Coordination Committee composed by young and militant trade unionists from the five continents.
Long live the 3rd WWYC!
Long live the young workers of the world working class!