The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), on behalf of the eighty million workers in 120 countries that represents, expresses its full class solidarity with the education workers in Puerto Rico and the Coordinadora Sindical of Puerto Rico, who have called for a strike on October 17th in the educational system against privatization and for a better quality in education.
The issue of education is fundamental to the working class. The forces in the class-oriented trade union movement, the WFTU, defend the right of working class children to comprehensive education and they struggle to secure it. For the WFTU education is not an opportunity, it is a right. The WFTU demands a quality public education system, free of charge and accessible to all children and young people. The WFTU opposes all attempts by governments to privatize education. We also call for permanent jobs, with full rights for teachers and the solution of problems in buildings and infrastructure improvements and equipment in all educational institutions.
The World Federation of Trade Unions, which since its founding in 1945 until now struggles for union rights and freedoms of the working class, will continue to take initiatives and act in international organizations and trade unions of all countries to defend public education.
The WFTU Secretariat