The wide appeal of the historic 16th World Trade Union Congress and the collective spirit for the strengthening of WFTU and its presence in all continents, were the main subjects of the Informal Presidential Council and the Council of Friends which were held in the framework of the 100th ILC in Geneva on the 7th of June.
In a room filled with members and friends of WFTU from more than 30 countries, the General Secretary presented in his introductory speech a report on the 16th World Trade Union Congress, claiming that it was indeed an open, democratic, class-oriented and internationalist congress dedicated in the struggle for the contemporary needs of the working class against the capitalist barbarism for a world without exploitation. The main activities of WFTU in all the continents were announced proving that the resolutions of the 16th World Trade Union Congress are being brought to life.
The more than 30 speakers that took the floor stated the success of the 16th Congress, presented the situation in their own countries and the difficulties of the class-oriented trade union movement, provided proposals for the strengthening of WFTU in all countries and underlined the need for the internationalist solidarity to be expressed in greater and more effective manner for the benefit of the international working class.
The meeting concluded that the most important date for the international class-oriented workers movement in the near future is the 3rd October 2011, at the 3rd International Action Day organized by WFTU during which activities and demonstrations will take place all over the world under the slogans:
– Working week of 35 hours – 7 hours a day – 5 days a week
– Social Security
– Collective bargaining
– Trade union freedoms