The WFTU affiliates observed the ‘International Day of Action’ on 3rd October, 2011 in a massive scale in India. PUBLIC MEETINGS, STREET DEMONSTRATIONS, PROCESSIONS and DISPLAY OF WFTU ACTION DAY BANNERS containing the demands at work places were organized. The highlight of the day in India was the unprecedented wide spread observation. Actually the entire length and breadth of the country witnessed the programme.
The Action Day programmes were held at the capital city of New Delhi and at all the Thirty State capitals and in many districts headquarters and major industrial centres. It is for the first time in the contemporary history of WFTU such massive activities under the banner of WFTU were conducted in India. It should be mentioned that the southern states of India: Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala the Action Day observation was huge in spread and participation.
According to preliminary reports, a total of several hundred thousands of workers at more than a hundred locations throughout the country participated in the programmes. According to location convenience the programmes took place in the morning, mid-day and in the evening. Therefore it was a whole day-long activity.
The contributing factors behind such grand success were the historic accomplishment of the 16th World Trade Union Congress of WFTU at Athens and effective coordination of WFTU affiliated unions in India. The re-dedication of WFTU to Class Struggles under the leadership of working class, drive and initiative of WFTU in providing leadership to the world working class struggles in the face of unprecedented crisis of capitalism, particularly in the United States of America and European countries and the socio-political development in the West Asian and North African countries as also in the Latin American countries have created great enthusiasm amongst the WFTU affiliates and friends.
The central trade unions and the Industrial Federations affiliated with WFTU and various TUIs in India organized the programmes both jointly as well as separately. The Action Day programme was prepared by all the WFTU members and friends in India immediately after the 16th congress through discussions in various committee meetings, adoption of resolutions and repeated communication to all its affiliates throughout the country. At each and every State capitals of the country were organized either public meetings or demonstration and in some places both. While the president of CITU addressed the joint meeting at New Delhi, the General Secretary addressed a big public hall meeting at Kolkata. Action Day Posters, leaflets and Badges were printed and distributed in huge numbers.
With the active cooperation of all the WFTU constituents, the Asia-Pacific office of WFTU in India organized a public hall meeting in the capital city of New Delhi. The meeting was conducted by a presidium composed of one representative each from all the six WFTU unions and addressed representatives of all the affiliates.