According to the statement issued by the TUI Hotour the workers in NOVOTEL Hotel in Athens, Greece continue their strike for more than 18 days: “Either we will fall or they will go down” with this slogan, the workers of hotel NOVOTEL -a member of the multiethnic company ACCOR-, move on with their strike against the 15% reduction of their salaries. The trade union of workers in Tourism and Catering of Attica Greece, declares: We stand by to the workers of Novotel, because the working class has to fight all together by the slogan, one for all and all for one”.
The TUI Hotour calls for solidarity messages to this struggle, “dear colleagues we are waiting for your solidarity messages to post them on our website”.
From its side the WFTU Secretariat expressed its full support and solidarity with the workers of hotel NOVOTEL, a member of the multiethnic company ACCOR, in their strike against the 15% reduction of their salaries.
As mentioned in the statement: “The World Federation of Trade Unions supports the twenty-day militant struggle of trade unionists and workers in Greece against the privatizations. We demand immediate satisfaction of workers demands. We unite our voice with the voice of workers in hotel Novotel Athens who fight against exploitation, against capital and against anti-labor policies. The W.F.T.U asks from the workers to understand that it is needed INTERNATIONAL COORDINATION and internationalist solidarity among all sectors and among all workers• specially in multinationals like NOVOTEL that have hotels in each country and they earn money from exploitation against workers in hotels. Long live workers international solidarity”.