“The NATO Summit which took place in Wales, 4-5 September, marks the intensification of the aggressiveness of this imperialist political and military coalition. Its capacity to act and military intervene in every corner of the planet will be further enhanced. Every corner where the interests of the monopolies from USA and the European Union are in stake and where the strong competition between them with other forces impacts the distribution of the capitalist plundering, NATO will be there more strong to against the people.
Not by accident, the special subject of this Summit was the strengthening of the presence of NATO in Europe on the occasion of the bloody developments in Ukraine and the climaxing confrontation with Russia.
This is why, the imperialists are trying to bridge their interimperialist contradictions and draft the further empowerment of NATO wolf pack and its bases in Europe, in cooperation with the European Union, seeking to face Russia from a more powerful position. The plans for the increase of the military expenses of NATO, the so called “Missile Defense System”, the increase of the so called “flexible military forces” and the greater attachment of Ukraine to the NATO strategy will all facilitate this objective in the name of “European Safety”.
The increase of the military expenses will be paid by the employees with new taxes and salary reductions.
These developments bring along serious dangers of military conflicts but also the risk of a generalized ignition. As everybody understands these developments have opposed to the safety of the people of Europe but only with the “safety” of the profits and the implementation of the strategic plans of the European and American monopolies.
The support offered by NATO to the illegitimate Government of Kiev, which is being supported by the fascist forces for the continuation of the bloodshed in East Ukraine, confirms once more the need for all of us to fight for the dissolution of NATO now.
We call all the working people of the five continents to strengthen their struggle against the participation of their countries in the NATO military plans, that have brought so many sufferings to the international working class and the popular strata of all the countries. To demand to end now the murderous attacks of the Government of Ukraine against the Russian-speaking population of the country.
We call all the militant trade unions of Russia to strengthen their relations with the WFTU. To come in contact with the WFTU and to rebuild their comradely, fraternal and strong relations of the period 1945-1991.”
George Mavrikos, General Secretary of the WFTU
8 September 2014