In his speech delivered yesterday to workers of OTE (Victoria Square), the WFTU General Secretary stated among other things referring the refugees from Syria:
“The WFTU worries from the tension that is observed in the borders Turkey-Syria and the gathering of about ten thousand refugees. The thousand Syrian refugees always need assistance to live and return to their homes without problems in their houses. The two countries Turkey and Syria need to cooperate for this purpose, without interfering in the others’ interior affairs.
The planned attacks of imperialists against Syria, against the working class and the people of Syria are not a new phenomenon.
The real reason is found in the attempts of USA governments and their allies to continuously support Israel and to eternalize the occupation of Arab territories by the Israeli army at the expense of Palestinian territories, of Golan and South Lebanon. They aim the oil and water resources and the wealth producing resources. The first victims of the imperialist aggressiveness are working people, the poor peasants, youth and women in all Arab countries.
Today everyone understands that the organized attacks against Syria aim to force Syria to change its foreign affairs policy and to subordinate to USA. Mr. Hariri’s of Lebanon, King Abdallah of Jordan and the Israeli Government aim to force Syria to suspend cooperation with Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Palestinian and Lebanese Resistance.
At the same time, Syria is a basic country for the oil to reach from Iraq to the Mediterranean, in Latakia there is a Russian Navy basis which is modernized and in the sea area between Lebanon and Syria there are big potential of natural gas resources which are going to be exploited by Iran according to an existing agreement.
These tough competitions between the big intra-imperialist interests are the reason the US Senator Lieberman asked in public from Obama NATO to attack to Syria as it’s done in Libya. After Syria, Iran will follow. This is truth. And any trade unionist doesn’t see the whole puzzle, the full picture, is mistaken.
The WFTU supports the right for the improvement of living standards, of salary, working and social security rights of working people of Syria, for democratic and trade union rights.
We support the public engagement of Syria for the uplifting of state of emergency.
The WFTU condemns the plans of NATO about the so-called “New Great Middle East” aiming to create puppet-States of USA.
We ask the withdrawal of Israeli army from the Syrian Golan.
We ask the foreign interventions at the internal affairs of Syria to stop immediately.
The Syrian people democratically and without foreign interventions have the knowledge and the culture to decide on his present and future.
This is an internationalist position in favor of workers and peace and against imperialists and capitalist exploitation.”