Those present at the European Conference of the International Union of Metal Workers of the WFTU that took place in Athens (Greece) on 16 April 2010 adopt the following general Decision.
In Europe, as nearly in every country in the world, the crisis of the capitalist system has provoked dramatic situations worsening the already unsustainable ills that the working class and the Peoples are suffering due to the crisis, for the benefit of the higher profitability of the big capital.
To get out of this unsustainable situation, we have, as European workers, the constant and historic challenge of progressing toward a society based on the rights of the working class and of the Peoples and the different processes of social transformation that must be carried out, vigourously opposing those who try to hinder it.
The participants to this conference claim the right of the union movement in Europe to participate and to influence in the formation of a new economic and social order based on the distribution of the work and of the wealth, social justice, free from any kind of discrimination, where workers create prosperity and own their own destiny, and we also establish the defence of the union’s and labour’s rights as a permanent priority.
The conference expresses the relevance of the ideas that created a class-based trade union thought of which the World Federation of Trade Unions is still a main reference. This Federation has always been with the working class, despite the difficulties and the constant attacks, and has rejected the behaviour of translational companies confronting those governments that affect the rights of the working class; it has also backed all democratic process aimed at enabling the workers to have a fair and supportive world where the working class will hold its own destiny in its hands.
Admitting the vitality of the FSM and the development of the International Union of Metal Workers, those present at the conference undertake to keep on supporting it, aware that this will benefit the real interests of the working class that it represents and will contribute to extend its presence and influence, even more when the FSM is getting ready to perform the XVIth World Union Conference.
We also support the Call of the World Union Federation to participate in the International Mobilisation that will take place on 7 September 2010.
The conference expresses its strongest rejection toward the privatisation policies and also condemns the excessive exploitation by the translational companies in our continent.
This conference condemns and rejects the capitalism policies carried out by European governments, as they burden the working class with the negative consequences of an economical crisis only caused by the avarice of a model of capitalist development that only aims to get excessive profits.
In a special way, we show our deepest solidarity with Greek workers that are fighting resolutely to face the anti-labour and anti-social measures the government and the Greek capitalism try to implement and to impose.
We also want to express our sincerest recognition to PAME’s commitment to fight and its organisational reference, in this open confrontation against monopolies and imperialism.
Finally, we pass on our support and solidarity to all those oppressed people in the World, and to all those who are fighting for liberties.
Athens, 16 April 2010
The participants to the European Conference of the International Union of Metal Workers of the WFTU that took place in Athens (Greece) on 16 April 2010 adopt the following Decision of Support and Solidarity with the workers that are repressed in the world due to their fight for liberty and for the working class rights. We want to make a special reference to the comrade from LAB Union, RAFA DIEZ USABIAGA, detained in Spain for promoting a real democratic framework able to solve the political conflict that exists between the Basque Country, Spain and France.
Athens, 16 April 2010
Those present to the European Conference of the International Union of Metal Workers of the WFTU that took place in Athens (Greece) on 16 April 2010 adopt the following Decision of Solidarity with the Metal Workers of Peru.
We denounce the serious bloody repression that Peru’s government made on 4 April against the Metal Workers of Peru through police force.
The 8 dead people and the hundreds of injured must be added to the long list of victims in the fight for labour rights.
This brutal repression and the bloodshed of the workers that are fighting for their rights show the real face of the Government of Peru. The International Institutions and the government are also accomplice to this crime.
The Conference of the International Union of Metal Workers of the WFTU expresses its support to the families and comrades of the assassinated Metal workers fighting for their right to work and to fight.