The World Federation of Trade Unions -WFTU- calls upon the trade union movement and progressive organizations of the world to act, to participate, to join us on the on September 7t[...]
The deadly floods in Pakistan are another proof that the people of the world are unprotected against the natural phenomena, despite the technological breakthrough. Those condemned [...]
16th World Trade Union Congress April 6-9, 2011 – Greece, Athens Dear friends, colleagues, trade unionists As you know already the leadership of WFTU has disseminated the two previ[...]
Dear colleagues, trade unionists and workers, The Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions has today decided to call a strike for three days at all ports of the world ag[...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions condemns the new Israeli barbarism that has resulted in the murdering of people who just wanted to express their solidarity with the people of [...]
To all affiliates and friends of W.F.T.U. Dear comrades and friends .. On the occasion of the first of May the International Labor Day, a symbol of solidarity of the proletariat, I[...]
Workers, women and men, The period we live in is one of aggressive imperialism, anti-labour neo-liberal policies and of the international economic crisis of the capitalist system. [...]
PAME in Greece continues the struggles against the antilabour policy of the Government. On April 21-22 PAME has called for a 48-hour national strike, against the decission of the G[...]
The WFTU honors this year’s March 8th , a special historic anniversary. 100 years are completed since Klara Tsetkin suggested to celebrate every year this day as the anniversary of[...]
Dear comrades the Haitian people are suffering from the consequences of a major disaster caused by the earthquake of 7.3 Richter. The poor cardboard houses collapsed. Tens of thous[...]