The struggle for wages, for work, for pensions, for the defence of public services, unites workers all over Europe in the face of the arrogance of governments and European and tran[...]
The European office of the World Federation of Trade Union expresses strong concern about the provisions contained in Bill 1660, which the Italian Parliament is currently approving[...]
On September 16, thousands of workers protested in Brussels against the planned closure of an Audi production site, which would result in the loss of approximately 3,000 jobs. This[...]
Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia (Czech Republic): We reject the government’s proposal as it sends the work law back into beginning of 20th century; We rej[...]
Markos Bekris, president of the ENEDEP- COSCO Piraeus Dockers trade union and member of the PAME Secretariat, was at the side of the dockers of the port of Hamburg. Τhe dockers of [...]
Students’ militant protest against the collaboration of the University of Athens with Lockheed Martin, was held by the Student Unions of Athens at the Dean’s Office o[...]
Mobilization day of migrant workers in Ragusa: not to forget Dauda, against labor exploitation, immediate regulation of everyone and abolition of Bossi Fini More than 300 migrant w[...]
The Israeli murderers continue their criminal work with the support of the US-EU, but also of the Greek government and all the forces that hide behind the pretense of Israel’[...]
On behalf of the Eurof WFTU I send you the sympathy of the class organisations affiliated to the FSM in Europe for the great tragedy that has struck your country, where fire[...]
With the LARKO workers on the road to victory The Italian USB Federation sends you solidarity and deep sympathy for your struggle. We are following your mobilisation at the gates o[...]
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