The Central-American Trade Union Meeting of the working Youth was successfully ended. The Meeting was held 9 to 11 December 2010, in the City of Panama and was organized by the WFT[...]
Today December 9th began in Panama City the Trade Union Meeting of Young Workers from Central America, organized by WFTU, FSTRP (Federation of Workers of the Republic of Panama), F[...]
Today it is 43 years since the murder on October 9, 1967, of the legendary communist revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara. After a fierce battle near the village of Las Higueras in Bo[...]
The call of WFTU for September 7th International Action Day was a big success all over the World. Many initiatives and mobilizations have taken place during the day in countries li[...]
Today, trade unions from PAME in Athens, occupied the gate of the Israel Airline EL-AL preventing the aircraft the flight 542 operating the route Athens-Tel Aviv to leave. The main[...]
Comrades, leaders of WFTU members and friendly organisations! Colleagues, leaders of progressive and democratic trade unions! Workers, unemployed people, young people, men and wome[...]
Those present at the European Conference of the International Union of Metal Workers of the WFTU that took place in Athens (Greece) on 16 April 2010 adopt the following general Dec[...]