The World Federation of Trade Unions representing 90 million workers in 126 countries expresses its solidarity with the can factory workers on strike for 17 months in Ontario, Canada.
The US’ multinational company beer-can, Crown Holding Inc. that produces cans for 120 kinds of beer and beverages after years of pension and wage freeze refused to accept any discussion for salary increase which forced the workers to strike. On the contrary the multinational phrases demands about an ongoing pension freeze, a two-tier wage system and the elimination of the living allowance.
Following anti-workers practices the Company hired scabs. Workers and their union United Steel Workers Local 9176 who continue their strike demand the fulfillment of their demands and even called for a boycott on beer sold in cans.
WFTU stands on the side of all workers in the industry and their struggles for better working and living conditions, better salaries and better work hours.
The WFTU joins its voice with the Crown workers in Ontario and their fair demands and asks from the Company and the Management to accept the salary raise based on the increasing annual cost of living in Canada and take back to work all the workers on strike.